Archives mensuelles de novembre, 2012

Life is a long preparation for something that never happens.

— William Butler Yeats


I am foreseeing things

You are foreseeing things

Who is ahead?


My back to the past

My forehead to the future

I am facing my heart


My head is full with

Both the best and the worst cases

A new scenario unfolds


You are afraid to die

From fear of dying from fear

Alone in your head


Meditating, you think

You are getting prepared

To live in the moment


I must prepare to write

A poem, I thought

But it was already finished



* Those are a few notes — micropoetry style — on the idea of preparation, which is dVerse Poets Pub‘s theme for today. I borrowed the quote from them, and it inspired me to write about the — sometimes — foolish nature of preparation.

And for those of you who read French or like beautiful objects, please check out my offer — it lasts until the end of the world, due Dec. 21st. *


Her heart on the brink of
exploding concrete
she wanted to fight through
the woman in her
the bramble on her
but she counted her colours
as blessings instead.

her knuckles as she ruffled
depleted bones
and their crushed leaves.

a lock catching her wild eye
her least favourite colour
her own hues.

her envy of bright gold
bullions in her pockets
to ground her in oolong leaves.

the heart of the problem
sowing too many beats
around the saddened bush.

her head blossoming
in all different directions
violet – was she dancing.

her sleep so tight and dear
a grip of delusions and falls
on top of her world.

And back to white
morning light that saw her temple
shining through her bark
who was she now

who was she not
risen from a day of painful strokes
on her inside skin
and left gazing at another reflection
of her own tortured being
on the sky’s infinite

*Contribution to dVerse Poets Pub – Artwork by SueAnn*